kefil olmak

  1. Fiil to come forward as surety
  2. Fiil to guarantee
  3. Fiil to put in a bailiff
  4. Fiil to act as surety
  5. Fiil to come forward as a surety
  6. Fiil to stand surety
  7. Fiil to enter into a suretyship
  8. Fiil to represent and warrant
  9. Fiil to warrant
  10. Fiil to bail
  11. Fiil to sponsor
  12. Fiil to act as guarantor for
  13. Fiil to stand surety for
  14. Fiil to go bond for
  15. Fiil to answer for
to stand security for a debt Fiil
to stand security for a signature Fiil
to stand as security for a debt Fiil
to stand security for a signature Fiil
to respond for a credit Fiil
to underwrite a policy Fiil
to guarantee a bill Fiil
to stand surety for the payment of a bill Fiil
to act as surety for a bill Fiil
to pledge oneself for sth Fiil
to act as a guaranty for sb Fiil
to stand as guarantor for sb Fiil
to go to bail for someone Fiil
to stand security for sb Fiil
to guarantee for sb Fiil
to stand guarantee for sb Fiil
to stand surety for sb Fiil
to go bail for sb Fiil
to go guarantee for sb Fiil
to vouch for sb's good conduct Fiil
to stand security for a debt Fiil
to stand security for a signature Fiil
to stand security for a debt Fiil
to be jointly and severally liable Fiil, Hukuk
to act as surety for a bill Fiil
to vouch Fiil